[vc_column_text]As a stress physiologist and professional speaker, I work with a lot of highly accomplished people that despite all their successes, still struggle with sticking to new, healthy habits. The game changer comes when we break down the science behind how habits form and hack our way to doing things differently. Researchers from MIT found … Read more

[vc_column_text]If you are one of the 82% of people experiencing Imposter Syndrome – don’t panic! It might just be a hidden strength! I’m breaking down the 3 reasons why experiencing Imposter Syndrome might just be the thing that makes you the most successful! As a stress physiologist and professional speaker, I work with a lot … Read more

[vc_column_text]Have you ever noticed that people who are truly excellent at what they do don’t actually see themselves as really remarkable, whereas those – we’ll call them “less skilled” – see themselves as being incredible in that particular skill set? This is the Dunning Kruger Effect, and yes – you too probably fall victim to … Read more

[vc_column_text]​​Why bother trying? That’ll never happen for me. This kind of negative self-talk that invalidates and negates opportunities for us is exactly what Mel Robbins is talking about in her Fatal Mistake That Keeps People From Being Happy video. The trouble is, I think in this case, Mel gets it wrong. It’s not the self-talk … Read more