say they perform better when they feel more confident.
But ...
62% of men and
79% of women
lack confidence in the workplace, even if they appear confident to others.
That lack of confidence dramatically increases the stress your employees experience [62% of all employees] and feeds into imposter syndrome [that over 75% experience]...which then lowers their confidence even more [downward spiral, anyone?].

All of which feeds into costly disengagement, burnout, and unrealized potential.
What’s driving this lack of confidence?
A Lot! Low self-awareness, lack of self-acceptance, toxic relationships, overwhelming stress, poor boundaries, and more.
But ultimately, it comes down to our brain’s fixation on fear.

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Masterclass Workbook
This 150+ page workbook and journal offers intensive, self-led activities to embed behavioral change. Each chapter contains module-specific exercises for each video that move participants from learning to application.

Group Coaching Session
Dr. Rebecca will coach your participants on a framework for issue processing so they can effectively coach each other during group discussions. They’ll learn how to bring an issue, use clarifying questions to understand the precise problem, reframe the issue, develop solutions, and hold one another accountable.

Professional ENNEAGRAM profile
The ENNEAGRAM personality system provides valuable insights into each participant’s core motivations, fears, and behaviors. Each profile serves as a roadmap for personal development, highlighting areas for growth and providing strategies for self-improvement.

NeuroHabit Band Set
These wristbands are a simple but powerful tool for creating new neuropathways as participants begin implementing the habits recommended in each chapter. Based on cognitive therapy, the bands are continual, physical reminders of what they’re learning as well as tools for reinforcing the behaviors they’re practicing.

The Curriculum

Know Thyself
Many of us are so busy being people pleasers and tending to the needs of others we wake up one day and realize we’ve completely lost who we are. In this section, we’ll cover the factors contributing to “the slipping away” and find ways to resurface our authentic selves. You’ll be able to take a professional Enneagram - a widely recognized personality model that provides profound insights into fundamental motivations and reveals patterns of unconsciously driven behaviors. As a framework, the Enneagram can help you uncover your uniqueness and gain valuable insights into your most FEAR[less] self.
- Discover the core of who you are, recognize your strengths, and celebrate the real you!
- Understand the mental blocks/self-limiting beliefs holding you back and learn to overcome them so you can be more confident.

Stress, Anxiety, & Time
While stress is an inevitable part of life, many of us live in a state of chronic stress, causing serious consequences to our health, relationships, and performance. In this section, we’ll discuss how the scarcity cycle can lead us to fight/flight/freeze/appease responses and develop strategies to intervene and break the cycle of both acute and repeated predictable stressors. We also cover time management techniques to take the power back from our scarcity mentality.
- Understand your physiological responses under stress and learn to react differently
- Learn how to take back control of time and body and find better balance

Navigating Fear
Our fears of rejection and failure are both natural and normal, but that doesn’t mean they should stand in our way of accomplishing our dreams. This section will cover ways to work through discomfort, social anxiety, and fear to reframe and rewire our ancient brains for the modern world in which they live.
- Recognize how our fears hold us back from growth, information, & feedback (and how to transform those fears into fuel!)
- Master proven strategies for negotiating through overwhelming fear

Overcoming The Imposter
Somewhere between 75-82% of us suffer from imposter syndrome – the belief that we are not worthy of a relationship, or career or other accolades; that we are really just frauds and any day we’ll be discovered. This section is dedicated to calling out the imposter thoughts that keep us caged behind masks of perfectionism, procrastination and lower performance (and enjoyment of life)! You’ll take an assessment to identify the specific type and severity of your imposter thoughts. Then, we’ll tackle this type of thinking with strategies to change our automatic negative thoughts and build a confidence flywheel by working with our physiological responses and building sustainable new habits.
- Recognize how to let go of perfectionism & procrastination to feel worthy of your success and achievements
- Understand how control often ends up controlling us and what to do to break the cycle

Boundary Setting
Women face a difficult societal bind of expectation: be strong and be the “good girl.” Be a boss, but not bossy. Meanwhile men are expected to be strong and unemotional, and often end up suffering in silence. In this section, we tackle the responsibilities of setting and holding appropriate boundaries, through knowing and establishing your rights, clearly communicating them and recognizing when confrontation is necessary (and even when ties might need to be cut). Finally, we discuss the art of when and how to say “no” and “sorry.”
- Recognize toxic patterns/relationships and set appropriate boundaries
- Navigate the bind of gendered expectations

Manifesting Positivity
Curious about manifesting and the law of attraction in the world of science? In this final section, we’ll address the science of manifesting by exploring the biology, psychology, and physics behind attracting what you desire. Together, we’ll work through visualization practices to keep the momentum of everything you’ve learned in the course pushing forward toward a more fearless life.
- Use science-backed methods to increase positivity in your life.
- Discover how much control you have over your own happiness and success and how you can activate it
What Happens When Your Employees Finish the
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Organizations that use the FEAR[less] Masterclass report an average course rating of 9.87 out of 10 from participants.