The concept of manifestation has gained significant popularity in recent years, captivating individuals seeking to take control of their lives and shape their realities. While some dismiss it as mere wishful thinking, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests manifestation is more than just “woo-woo”. At the heart of manifestation lies the … Read more

There are a number of attributes that leaders need today to stay at the top of their game. So what should leaders focus on in the limited amount of time that they have for self-development? I’ve narrowed down the list to the 5 attributes I believe leaders need in order to be the most effective … Read more

[vc_column_text]In the words of the great philosophers, The Rolling Stones, you can’t always get what you want…but often what you WANT and what you actually LIKE and will lead to living a purposeful life are two very different things. Our brains can often fool us right into serious dissatisfaction but in this post, I’ll explain … Read more

[vc_column_text] As leaders, we KNOW the value and importance of feedback, unfortunately, there is still a lot we get wrong when it comes to getting feedback ourselves. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22text-align%22%3A%22center%22%7D%7D”][/vc_video][vc_column_text]Here are the three things I see most frequently preventing leaders from gaining the self-awareness that could truly help them grow. Feedback is scary. Sure it … Read more

[vc_column_text]Do you have a case of the Mondays? Every. Damn. Day? You’re not depressed exactly, you’re just kinda…meh. Unmotivated. Stagnant. Stuck. In this post, I’ll define that MEH feeling and give you some strategies to break through the fog of feeling….just kinda….I mean….whatever. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to help my clients … Read more

[vc_column_text]Do you have a case of the Mondays? Every. Damn. Day? You’re not depressed exactly, you’re just kinda…meh. Unmotivated. Stagnant. Stuck. In this post, I’ll define that MEH feeling and give you some strategies to break through the fog of feeling….just kinda….I mean….whatever. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to help my clients … Read more

[vc_column_text]Most people struggle a bit with feelings of unworthiness, or dissatisfaction with themselves. That’s why I’m going to review 3 of the limiting beliefs that hold people back from finding a happier sense of self. As a stress physiologist and professional speaker I have spent years working with some of the most accomplished CEOs and … Read more

[vc_column_text]Want to know the secret to breaking bad habits or making new healthier ones stick? As a PhD in stress physiology and evolution and human behavior, I’ve dedicated my professional career to helping people rewire their thinking to better serve them. Often that means I’m in the business of breaking bad habits and helping people … Read more