[vc_column_text]Have you ever been to a leadership conference that’s specifically a men’s leadership conference? Okay, there are likely a few, but most frequently we just call men’s leadership — ummm, leadership. But excellent leadership shouldn’t be defined by any gender. We need the spectrum from masculine to feminine qualities in order to not miss important … Read more

[vc_column_text]If you are one of the 82% of people experiencing Imposter Syndrome – don’t panic! It might just be a hidden strength! I’m breaking down the 3 reasons why experiencing Imposter Syndrome might just be the thing that makes you the most successful! As a stress physiologist and professional speaker, I work with a lot … Read more

[vc_column_text]Have you ever noticed that people who are truly excellent at what they do don’t actually see themselves as really remarkable, whereas those – we’ll call them “less skilled” – see themselves as being incredible in that particular skill set? This is the Dunning Kruger Effect, and yes – you too probably fall victim to … Read more

[vc_column_text]​​Why bother trying? That’ll never happen for me. This kind of negative self-talk that invalidates and negates opportunities for us is exactly what Mel Robbins is talking about in her Fatal Mistake That Keeps People From Being Happy video. The trouble is, I think in this case, Mel gets it wrong. It’s not the self-talk … Read more