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I was honored to recently take part in @PublicWords justonequestion interview with the legendary Dr. Nick Morgan. Check out the whole series at https://lnkd.in/eifAbfA!

How are you coping with this pandemic? What strategies and past experiences are you using to get through these strange times? #covid #copingwithcovid #fearless

“I feel like I’m having hourly moral dilemmas just trying to navigate my normal day. It’s exhausting!” My sister’s words gave voice to all of the excruciating physical and metaphorical headaches I’ve been having this past month.  The sentiment of being tired, exhausted, drained, weary, depressed  (add your synonym here) has been shared across every … Read more

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22margin-bottom%22%3A%221.5rem%22%7D%7D”][vc_column_inner][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv6Pnwjk36U&t=9s”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] Now more than ever, as our world seems to be torn between various factions who believe one thing or another, we need to develop our communication skills especially with a nod toward empathy. To me empathy is about accepting the truth of another and reframing it to fit your own. It’s very … Read more

rebecca heiss

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Hey Everyone – welcome to the fearless blog! I’m so excited that you’re joining me on this journey to a more powerful, productive, and positive life. The point of this blog is to help us all gain back our power over fear through better self-awareness and the Fear(less) Challenge. What is the Fear(less) Challenge? I’m so glad you asked!

Fear(less) challenges are designed to help us separate out the fears that are valid and still help us in this modern environment, from the fears that helped our ancestors survive but today are outdated and preventing us from fully living.

For our ancestors, the brain’s shortcut between discomfort and death was an important one. But for us, these are usually unhelpful residual patterns that keep us isolated, stressed, and scared of the wrong things – like failure and rejection or even other people.

Fear(less) challenges inspire us all to lean into the discomfort recognizing that not all stress means we are going to DIE. Trust me. If we could die of awkwardness or embarrassment, I would definitely not be here today.

I’ve found that the more we let go of these unnecessary fears the more we make room for the good things that make life so worth living – we become more productive, creative, connected, and conscious.

The challenges are meant to push us into spaces of discomfort while ultimately leaving the world slightly better for it.  No one is meant to be fearless. Walking in front of a greyhound bus because you don’t fear it is still a poor choice…but actively deciding, choosing what deserves your fear, and what’s an ancient shortcut that needs to be overwritten, that’s power. Making that distinction is how we can become fear (less).

So please, join in! Participate in the challenges. Post about them here and on all your socials using the #fearlesschallenge. 

And let’s become fearless together!

Fearless Quiz

The thing about starting anything new is that it’s scary. So needless to say, I’m scared right now as I take this blog in a new direction. Whether or not the fear is rational (I’ll spend the majority of this blog arguing that 99.99% of the time it’s not), it doesn’t prevent the fear from being present and feeling very real.

I’m not an expert by any means on this. I simply have found some tips and techniques useful in my own life and I think they’re worth sharing. Trust me when I say we are all beginners on this journey.

I’m tackling fear even now as I write this.

What if no one reads it? What if people do read it and they think it’s crap? What if it is crap?

Fear is ever-present in our lives. The trick isn’t to become fearless but to actively fear…less. To separate out consciously the things in life that truly deserve our fear from the voices in our heads that would prevent us from otherwise living full, happy, productive lives. So here’s to the start of something new. Here’s to the challenge of becoming….