[vc_column_text]The novelty of COVID-19 has definitely worn off. When there is something new or unknown, even if it’s potentially scary, our brains light up in anticipation. Chemically, our bodies treat the expectancy of fear the same way as excitement. It’s why so many people love horror films. The anticipation of being scared is thrilling. But … Read more

[vc_column_text]A global pandemic. Economic crisis. Racial tensions. Challenges with working from home. Questions about what is safe and right, for you, for your parents, for your kids. If your world feels like a tinder box soaked in gasoline sitting next to a sparking fire…you’re not alone.  Amid the deafening echoes of fear and anxiety the … Read more

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I was honored to recently take part in @PublicWords justonequestion interview with the legendary Dr. Nick Morgan. Check out the whole series at https://lnkd.in/eifAbfA!

How are you coping with this pandemic? What strategies and past experiences are you using to get through these strange times? #covid #copingwithcovid #fearless