FEAR[less] blog

A neurosurgeon and a quantum physicist walk into a bar…

So to round out the week's focus feature I want to take a slight detour in the computer-brain theme. The great folks at BigThink are helping...
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Are our brains still evolving?

The short answer? Yes. Like any organ or tissues, our brains are subject to modification from environmental influences and selective forces. However, the evolution of...
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The business side of neuroscience

I stumbled across a helpful, straightforward article recently published by the employment engagement community, Hppy, which gives an accessible overview of brain basics for business....
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Shifting Definitions of Diversity and Inclusion

With their selfie-sticks and Instagram obsessions, Millennials may well have earned the title ascribe to them in the 2013 Time magazine feature: Millennials: The Me Me...
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Language is important

[vc_column_text]As a scientist, I have a natural tendency towards cynicism. When I first began reading about mindfulness and meditation practices,  I reacted about the same...
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