FEAR[less] blog

Happy Mistakes: A message of gratitude for grace

This week I made a massive error.  The kind you make and immediately recognize your mistake but it's already too late. Let me set the...
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Becoming Your Best Self in the New Year: Lessons from Socratic Wisdom

As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us embark on the journey of crafting resolutions — promises to ourselves to embrace positive...
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Why I’m obsessed with Andrew Tate and modern masculinity

I am obsessed with Andrew Tate. He’s magnetic. A trainwreck you can’t turn your eyes away from. In the last week I’ve watched an estimated...
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Startup shutdown mode: Why the future of work needs to address the social treadmill

I'm done. That was the only thought I could think again and again and again as I made myself #girldinner (popcorn and Gatorade count as...
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Moving beyond PTSD to Post Traumatic Growth

I opened my news this week to find the LA Times discussing the issuing of the first-ever tropical storm watch for Southern California, the BBC...
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Who you are is not your fault…but who you’ll be is entirely your responsibility

With all the personal responsibility gurus out there I have a seriously unpopular opinion about where to point the finger for your current situation –...
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Manifestation: Where Science Meets Magic

The concept of manifestation has gained significant popularity in recent years, captivating individuals seeking to take control of their lives and shape their realities. While...
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You’re Fired! Navigating the stress and fear of company layoffs: lessons from the research

It seems like every day I’m reading about another company enduring massive layoffs. In this environment of fear and change how can leaders (and anyone...
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