FEAR[less] blog

3 Reasons Imposter Syndrome is Really a Superpower

[vc_column_text]If you are one of the 82% of people experiencing Imposter Syndrome - don’t panic! It might just be a hidden strength! I’m breaking down...
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The Surprising Science of Gratitude, Stress, and Happiness

[vc_column_text]Last week, we in America celebrated Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is traditionally the day in which we give thanks and focus on gratitude, so I wanted to...
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Which Type of Imposter Syndrome Do You Have?

[vc_column_text]According to a 2020 review, up to 82% of people experience Impostor Syndrome. So the good news is, if you feel like a fraud, like...
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Are You an Imposter or Just Feeling the Dunning Kruger Effect?

[vc_column_text]Have you ever noticed that people who are truly excellent at what they do don't actually see themselves as really remarkable, whereas those - we'll...
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3 Reasons Why “Fake It Till You Make It” is Horrible Advice

[vc_column_text]“Fake it till you make it” is advice we hear given often by successful business gurus like Gary Vee and researchers like Amy Cuddy. But...
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This Will Fundamentally Change the Way You Look at Happiness (Based on Science!)

[vc_column_text]​​Why bother trying? That'll never happen for me. This kind of negative self-talk that invalidates and negates opportunities for us is exactly what Mel Robbins...
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Sex and Leadership: Why Males Stand Out

[vc_column_text]Throughout history, men have had to stand out and compete if they wanted to achieve status and obtain a mate. Look no further than nature's...
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Overcome People-Pleasing to Find Yourself

[vc_column_text]If you're anything like I was, you probably find it easier just to go along with what everybody else wants. You may find it's harmless...
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Sorry…I’m Going to Keep Apologizing

[vc_column_text]There's a whole lot of women's empowerment material out there saying how much our language is hurting us, telling women that words like “sorry,” “I...
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BOSS WOMEN: Secret to Success

[vc_column_text]What do Michelle Obama, Amy Schumer, and Sheryl Sandberg have in common? I mean other than being super successful boss women...the answer might surprise you!...
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Lean Out: Imposter Syndrome and the Myth of Work-Life Balance

[vc_column_text]Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook asserted in her best-selling book that if a woman works hard enough and asserts herself enough, she can thrive at home...
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5 Groundbreaking Tips to Perfect Your Networking Game

[vc_column_text]Networking...bleh!If you react like I do, you are not alone. Networking is a necessary skill for success, but one that many of us dread and...
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