This week I made a massive error.  The kind you make and immediately recognize your mistake but it’s already too late. Let me set the stage. I’m in the middle of doing a pilot study with a small sample size of people and needed to send out a message to them with further instructions. But … Read more

Last week I was hospitalized with two lethal bacterial blood infections. By the time I was admitted, my body had gone septic. Was I scared? Sure. But my overwhelming emotion wasn’t fear. It was sadness. Deep sorrow for the potential loss of days ahead. For not being able to read the rest of this epic … Read more

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant

Imagine scaling Mount Everest, not with the swagger of a seasoned climber, but with a rusty ice pick and a borrowed parka. That’s the uphill battle most businesses face – obsessing over innate talent, the “Sherpas” of the workforce, while neglecting the vast, untapped potential of the rest who with courage and resilience trek up … Read more

Young professionals clamber for position on a treadmill

I’m done. That was the only thought I could think again and again and again as I made myself #girldinner (popcorn and Gatorade count as dinner right?). After yet another 14-hour day of work and that sinking feeling that I still wasn’t quite caught up enough to turn off, I started wondering….is this really worth … Read more

I opened my news this week to find the LA Times discussing the issuing of the first-ever tropical storm watch for Southern California, the BBC News reporting on the numbers behind Canada’s worst wildfire season to date and several news outlets covering the tragedies that are still unfolding in Maui. There is no doubt that … Read more

I couldn’t resist any longer. I saw the Barbie movie last night. I’ll do my best to avoid any major spoilers but read ahead with caution. After the movie I couldn’t shake this feeling that something wasn’t quite right.   Then it hit me – It was the Ken’s.   At the start of the … Read more

Sign showing past present and future arrows

With all the personal responsibility gurus out there I have a seriously unpopular opinion about where to point the finger for your current situation – be it good, bad, or ugly. Don’t point it at yourself. Or other people. Or your genetics. Or your environmental circumstances. In fact, go ahead and don’t point a finger … Read more