FEAR[less] blog

Neuroscience Fun Fact Friday: Drink some water!

I was recently out to dinner with a friend of mine who was recalling that he hadn't actually had any water to drink for about...
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You look like you need a nap!

Feeling overwhelmed? Too many things to do? It might be time for a nap! While it may sound completely counter-intuitive, there's a reason that cutting...
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Get your greens!

In 1992 Gordan Orians and Judith Heerwagen developed the "Savanna Hypothesis" which essentially states that our landscape preferences evolved as a result of our ancestral...
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Let there be light! How natural lighting can affect your productivity.

When we take into account that our brains are optimized to function in a world where hunting, farming, and gathering are the main activities where...
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Waging Peace and Inciting Equality

I recently attended a rally in Raleigh (go ahead and try to say that 10 times fast!).  The rally was called as a protest to...
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Broken windows and behavior

Broken window theory is one of my favorite theories to reference. Largely credited for a huge dip in crime in New York City in the past...
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Find some happy – your body will thank you!

In general, we are aware that we need to take care of our bodies by eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep. There are about...
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Difference Between Inclusion and Diversity

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Humble Inquiry

https://www.leadershipandchangemagazine.com/humble-inquiry-by-edgar-schein/#.WD6xfN7ABtQ.linkedin Genunie curiousity can help to open paths to new ingroups
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Ghostbusters; AKA my introduction to meditation

[vc_column_text]I remember very vividly the first time I saw the original "Ghostbusters" movie.  There are a lot of great lines to take away from that...
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