FEAR[less] blog

Diversity Is The New Form of Bias

A new law in California mandates female representation on the boards of all public companies that are incorporated in California. As a female, I’m appalled. Let me...
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Make Jesus Brown Again

As we turn our attention to the holiday season ripe with office Christmas parties I want to make a suggestion. It’s not the typical "stay...
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Gaming the system – Re-wiring the brain for empathy

Take a look at the pictures on your walls. Go ahead. Close your eyes and take a little walk down your hallway, look at the...
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White men can’t jump

Maybe you've heart of Larry Bird. Alright, we'll give you that one. Dirk Nowitzki? Kevin Love? Marc Gasol? Okay, so maybe I'm just not as...
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Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Rohatsu, Winter Solstice, Yule, Kwanzaa, Zartusht-no-diso, Festivus... Whatever you are celebrating this season may your days be filled with peace, gratitude,...
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Not seeing color = not seeing. The importance of not being colorblind.

A lot of people that I interact with claim to be colorblind (mini-confession: I too claimed that at one point). Don't get me wrong, I...
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Heidi Grant-Halvorson PhD

Heidi Grant-Halvorson PhD, of the NeuroLeadership Institute, “Diversity is getting asked to the party, while inclusion is getting asked to dance at the party.”
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Losing my voice when I needed it the most

Anyone that knows me knows that I don't have a problem speaking my mind. But I recently found myself in a situation in which, despite...
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Baseball and belonging: Ingroup association can be a cognitive choice.

I recently blogged about white allies in the #BlackLivesMatter movement. I wanted to follow up with an important addendum. This movement isn't about choosing sides....
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Gender Diversity in Tech (or lack thereof)

Why aren't more women represented in the tech industry? It's one of the major questions tackled by venture firm First Round in its recently released  "State...
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Neuroscience to make you happier

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Lack of diversity in diversity positions?

Before I type a word more I need to make a disclaimer: This is not a whiny post about reverse discrimination. I am as cognitively...
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